Monday, October 25, 2010

I believe

I believe I may close this blog unless anyone has any better ideas. I've taken on a couple new projects and just can't keep up anymore. Sorry, if you still want to see my picture check out my Flickr account.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Favorite Books…

The Wave

The Bible

Twice Pardoned

Bulletproof: the building of an invincible mind

A More Elite Soldier

The Assassins

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Favorite Websites

Same as last time, except for with websites. (,, etc) (for instant messaging and private messaging, that's about all I do on there) (the only Google service that I begrudgingly use)

SkyDrive (available at (go figure!)

Comments? Questions? Go for it!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Favorite Bands…

Same as last time, except for bands. :)



Stellar Kart

Hawk Nelson

dc Talk

Jeremy Camp

Rapture Ruckus

Since October


FM Static




So, what bands do you like? Leave a comment telling me. :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

My Favorite Programs…

This post will be a list of my favorite programs. No reasons, just a list. ☻ You’ll just have to try them for yourself. You can search for them by the name I call them on to try them.


Comodo Dragon



Yahoo! Widgets

Yahoo! Instant Messenger

Media Monkey

GIMP 2.0




Secunia PSI



Immunet Protect

Spybot- Search and Destroy

Revo Uninstaller

Smart Defrag

x3 Watch



Comodo System Cleaner


Microsoft Office 2003

Norton Internet Security

Norton Utilities

That’s it. Those are the programs I’d have trouble functioning without.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I can't find my shoes...

Maybe its karma? And yes, Anna, this is for you. ☺

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thoughts about Windows 7…

Windows 7 is powerful, but incompatible. Think twice before you buy it. Did you realize that Windows 7 is incompatible with many WiFi spots? Thanks to the tech’s at Microsoft, my Windows 7 laptop won’t always work with WiFi. Now if I had Windows XP I would be just fine, but not with Vista or 7. To me this seems a poor idea, to make their new “awesome” operating system not work with WiFi. We live on WiFi! How many business exec’s will buy Windows 7, and to late find out they can’t access WiFi with it? This was a very poor choice by Microsoft.

Notice: Windows7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP are copyrighted and trademarked to Microsoft Corp.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010



This picture give a slightly unique look at a grasshopper. Notice how well he blends in with his surroundings, a tribute to God’s awesome handiwork.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The moon…

Here are a couple pictures I took of the moon. Its nice to live in the country…


Moon (1) Moon (2)

Moon (3)

Monday, March 29, 2010


It is that time of year again. The time of year when my siblings practically live outside. The time of year where when they are inside they are always thinking about and talking about what’s going on outside. Its calving season! So, here are a couple pictures…

Must be a fashion On His Lonesome The Group

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rapture Clouds

Rapture Clouds

This picture is called “Rapture Clouds” because these are the kind of clouds that my dad jokingly said once that Jesus might come back on. ☺

Friday, March 19, 2010

GIMP 2.6

Recently I was messing around with GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), and open source graphic editor, and came up with a couple kind of cool backgrounds. If you want a full version for your computer, comment back for a download link.ekg explo

Thursday, March 18, 2010


What is the meaning of life?

I mean there is so much strife

Why do we endure

All this life’s manure?

Why should we keep trying?

‘Cuz it only causes crying

Maybe this is to tell us

That there is more than us

Maybe this life

Even in all the strife

And all the fuss

Isn’t really about us

Maybe its about something much better

With a goal to unfetter


And every son

God has a plan

That could save every man

If only we would choose

Instead of sitting to muse

To run to God

Sunday, March 14, 2010


 Blue Clouds

Grey Clouds

Those two pictures were taken about 45 seconds apart, but the colors are so different it is random.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Happy is a funny feeling

Almost like your reeling

It makes me want to dance and shout

All around about

When I’m happy I like to sing

And wish I could take wing

I want to run

Out under the sun

I want to turn cartwheels

But I know our insurance doesn’t have that good of deals

But anyway

When I feel that way

I want to praise my Lord

Who has give me a Spirit’s Sword

He has given me so much

Like breath itself and such

I feel the need to thank Him

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Growth after the Winter

New Growth After the Winter

This picture shows how even after a hard time such as winter, new growth can come.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I sat and pondered pain

On that day that in my mind it was to rain

For the clouds in my mind

Were ever close to remind

That for me

And this is what I see

Life is never perfect

Or so those thoughts elect

We’ll never be free of hurts

My often asserts

You’ll die sad

Is what I think when I’m mad

But then I think of the hope

That keeps me clinging to this rope

Called life

That’s oh so full of strife

I realized then

That even when

My life seems to falling apart

Jesus is standing by to start

His wonderful work of love

That truly comes from above

That restores my mind

And the ravages of sin does rewind

Restoring me

To what Christ wants me to be

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Soon and Coming King

The Soon and Coming King

I took this picture recently and just thought I would share. This blog will be mostly contain graphics, pictures, and poems (no laughter please…). Hope you check back once I start updating often. Like try again tomorrow.